Ruth Madrid’s appreciation for fitness and nutrition has inspired the birth of Training is offered at Self Made Training in Ahwatukee, AZ. Services ranging from One on One and Group Training, Zumba, Meal Planning, Workout Programs and Scheduling. Whether it is in person or online, remains in-depth and personalized.

About Ruth

My journey in the fitness world began at an early age growing up in rural El Salvador, Central America. I was more of a Tomboy and enjoyed doing physical activities such as climbing trees, swinging from vines and jumping over obstacles. Traversing the mountainous terrain in my village, on a couple of occasions, I was faced with life or death situations of having to flee the impaling horns of bulls. Both instances I narrowly escaped. I also had a reputation for being able to outrun older boys in foot races. Arriving in the US, although very athletic, I never competed in organized sports. In high school I was a “Gym Class Hero,” pun intended. I often wondered how good I could have been. I believe this is what sparked my interest in fitness and first set in motion the challenges of self motivated competition. I began reading, getting my hands on any published literature pertaining to fitness and started my quest from there. For many years in the gym, I had numerous people approach me, asking if I was a personal trainer and/or if I compete. I was laid off of my job at a major bank in the real estate finance department and I guess it was the wake up call I needed to finally give fitness my full attention. I figured others see my passion, maybe this is the right time to act upon it. I enrolled at the National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) where I received my NPTI Certification in Anatomy & Physiology, Kinesiology, Biomechanics, Nutrition and Corrective form Analysis. I also have my NASM and Zumba Certifications. I now wonder why it took me so long to figure out this is where I belong. Being conscience of my gift for health and fitness, I hope to be an inspiration to others to take action and not settle for complacency. embodies the drive to self improvement, both mentally & physically. Ruth owes her purposeful approach, determination, and strong will for continual growth to the life lessons, self taught in the gym. The years spent striving to hone and shape a strong physical form, has simultaneously produced a mental resilience. Purely blessed with this lifelong passion, Ruth is dedicated to surrounding those around her with the same empowering beliefs. The energy you give out, is the energy you get back in return… Take care of yourself, from the inside out (BeFit-In-N-Out), and you are better able to take care of those you love.
Train Mean, Eat Lean and Get Adjusted.


– T-RUTH… Be Told –

About BeFit-In-N-Out


BeFit-In-N-Out embodies the drive to self improvement both mentally & physically. The energy you give out, is the energy you get back in return… Take care of yourself, from the inside out, and you are better able to take care of those you love. TRAIN MEAN, EAT LEAN AND GET ADJUSTED

-- T-RUTH... Be Told

Contact Us


Have questions related to fitness, health or nutrition? Are you ready to get started to build the best YOU possible? Not ready for the stage, but want to look like you could compete? Want to learn more about my training programs? I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    Phone:       480.788.4301
    Address:    The ChiroDōjō Family Wellness                           953 E Elliot Rd #102                           Tempe, AZ 85284