I will give suggestions & offer you personalized nutrition plan, which will have you on your way to the perfect you. My nutrition plan will not leave you hungry but it will achieve results so you can look your best.
One of the key factors of living a healthy lifestyle is having the right nutrition. Making the correct choices and sourcing the correct food has a massive influence on your health & wellbeing.

Ruth kicking Junk Food

Healthy Eating For Life

There are many misconceptions about the quality and type of foods that make up a healthy eating plan. Often people under eat which reduces their metabolic rate and lowers the rate at which their body burns fat. This means that by drastically reducing your calorie intake you could be increasing your body fat mass. The immediate decrease in weight is often the result of losing lean muscle tissue and dehydration. Losing weight isn’t about eating less. It’s important to realize that losing weight and the loss of fat are two different things. Eating healthily isn’t a quick fix, it’s learning to make healthy choices for life.

What Does Nutrition Coaching Include?

Most of the time we know what we should be doing but there’s a big difference between knowing and doing. Allow Ruth to help you restructure your lifestyle and nutrition plan so that you can live your dream life and be the best that you can be in all areas. This dedicated time to self-improvement and behavioral change will make a huge difference to your overall happiness and success.
  • Nutrition analysis
  • Menu planning
  • Meal Plan program set-up
  • Nutrition logging and tracking
  • Log reviews, coaching and modifications
  • Weekly meetings, weigh-ins and measurements

Who Can Benefit From Nutrition Coaching?

  • Anyone who wants to lose weight and reduce body fat levels
  • Those wanting to tone up and sculpt their body
  • Men and women who have high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels
  • Those suffering from diabetes or heart-related disease
  • Clients whose doctors have told them they need to start taking better care of themselves
  • Those wanting to improve their immunity, reduce illness and decrease risk for disease
  • Business professionals who are stressed out and time-deficient
  • People who are often tired and need a boost to energy levels
  • Families who are busy and need quick and easy ways to eat healthy
  • Kids who need to learn healthy eating and easy ways to improve their nutrition
  • Athletes who would like to increase their sports performance



Initial Health Interview Intake
Online Health Assessment
Food Journal Assessment/Adjustments
Week 2-4-6 Follow up Coaching, Planning and Modifications (30 minutes/visit)
Weekly Accountability Check In via Email, Text or Phone
Weekly Goal Adjustment

About BeFit-In-N-Out


BeFit-In-N-Out embodies the drive to self improvement both mentally & physically. The energy you give out, is the energy you get back in return… Take care of yourself, from the inside out, and you are better able to take care of those you love. TRAIN MEAN, EAT LEAN AND GET ADJUSTED

-- T-RUTH... Be Told

Contact Us


Have questions related to fitness, health or nutrition? Are you ready to get started to build the best YOU possible? Not ready for the stage, but want to look like you could compete? Want to learn more about my training programs? I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    Phone:       480.788.4301
    Address:    The ChiroDōjō Family Wellness                           953 E Elliot Rd #102                           Tempe, AZ 85284