Apart from it’s health benefits exercising on a regular basis can make your day to day activities like carrying shopping bags, going up a flight of stairs or gardening easier. Exercising on a regular basis can help you live longer by keeping your body weight down and helping keep your muscles & joints supple. Exercise can also reduce stress levels, cardio-vascular problems, serious heart diseases and also help prevent osteoporosis and diabetes. Exercise releases endorphins, this triggers what is called an exercise high. This great motivational feeling can help you relax, improves mood, reduces anxiety and your pain threshold.
Get a personalized workout at an affordable price!  Ruth will provide you guidance, support and instruction to keep you motivated to reach your fitness goals.  Learn how to safely and effectively train while transforming your body and mind.  All fitness levels welcome!
  • Personal Training Information
  • Develop short and long term fitness goals
  • Create an individualized workout plan
  • Increase personal exercise knowledge
  • Master proper exercise techniques
  • Incorporate strength, resistance, flexibility, cardiovascular and balance training
     Personal Training can be so many different things depending on the client – that’s what makes it personal! You can choose to workout with Ruth as often as five times per week but most clients opt for one to three training sessions per week for maximum effectiveness. At the very least, you should visit your train with her once every six to eight weeks to make a few changes to your program to make sure you’re always progressing and experiencing results. Too many people stay on the same program for an extended period of time and wonder why they’re no longer experiencing changes in their fitness level. Programming updates are very important to ensure ongoing progress. You can also choose to train for 30 minute or 60 minute sessions depending on your time. You also have the option to train alone, with a partner or in a small group setting. Ruth makes every attempt possible to customize a plan that is going to work within your schedule and budget and that will ensure success.
We can focus on cardio-conditioning, muscle-conditioning, flexibility, nutrition or a combination of all of these depending on your goals, needs, strengths and weaknesses. Workouts can take place within either conveniently located facility or outdoors. Many of my clients are members at another gym and just come to me for their personal training. You could decide you want to learn to run, train for a triathlon, or to make the cut for an athletic team. I really do strive to make my clients’ sessions as individualized as possible, effective and lots of fun!
Personal Training has become a very popular service with many people experiencing results, therefore, demonstrating its value. When you sign up with me, you can expect regular education, support and guidance. I will hold you accountable – it’s nice to know you always have someone looking over your shoulder. I will provide safety, variety and efficiency and effectiveness.
Your first session with me is critical to helping you set up a foundation for success. Seven out of ten people start an exercise program but then within two to three months they have dropped out. This high drop-out rate is often due to the fact that the individual has not spent any time establishing the right program for them based on their history, goals, individual needs and lifestyle. I spend a good portion of the first session talking with my new clients to determine which type of program is going to help them stay motivated so they are consistent enough to progress, experience results and succeed.
I can assist so many different clients, from beginners, elderly individuals, people experiencing back, neck, knee and shoulder problems, mountain climbers, competitive skiers and boarders, competitive basketball athletes, wheelchair athletes, triathletes, runners, cyclists, pre/post natal, obese clients, diabetic individuals, osteoporotic individuals and many more. I am completely confident that regardless of your special considerations, I will be able to help you achieve a higher level of health and fitness. I am ready to help YOU on your journey.
     Did you know… that IDEA, the International Health and Fitness Association, released a statistic that found 75% of people who exercise are not getting the results they want? But out of the 25% of people who are getting results, 90% of them are working with a Personal Trainer.
Personal Training gets results and that’s why anyone can benefit from this personal attention! Personal Training is no longer reserved for Hollywood stars and the “rich and famous”! Answer these questions to determine if you would benefit from working with a Personal Trainer.

Are you just getting started with your fitness goals?

The thought of entering an exercise facility and starting an exercise program without any assistance can be intimidating. Trying to teach yourself how to use all the equipment can be so confusing. I will teach you how to exercise correctly and safely. I will provide you with enough guidance, motivation and education to ensure you establish healthy and effective exercise patterns right from the beginning.

Not getting results?

It’s common to feel like the amount of effort you’re putting in is not matching the reward. I will change your program and show you how to get results more effectively and in less time. I will provide you with a brand new exercise regime that will take you to a higher level of fitness and health. I will make the difference between a great workout and a “ho-hum one” – or even no workout at all!

Having difficulty sticking to your program?

You’re not alone. Eighty percent of people discontinue their exercise program after 2-3 months. But this time, things are going to be different. I will help you adhere to your program consistently. When you schedule an appointment with a me, you make a commitment to yourself – a commitment that I won’t let you break!

Are you an athlete or a weekend warrior?

Many people dream of the challenge of completing an athletic event. With your own personal fitness coach, that dream becomes a reality. Whether you are training for a 5 or 10 km fun run, a half or full marathon, a triathlon, skiing, a grueling hike or just training to improve your golf or tennis game, I will provide you with a plan for success.

Suffering from an injury?

An injury can really set you back. You have the choice of doing nothing or taking an active role in feeling better. I will work with you and your health care professional to develop a safe rehabilitation program and assist you on your road to recovery.
     Getting started with Personal Training is easy; everything you need is right here on my website. The sections below describe what to expect and how to get started.

Why is the first stage of my Personal Training experience so important?

Did you know that 70-80% of people who start an exercise program drop out within the first two to three months? These are not good odds! It’s now widely accepted that the problem has nothing to do with the person but rather with the process. You see, most people who want to start exercising, just start.
Imagine if you wanted to build a house. You’d probably start out with an architectural plan first to know exactly what you wanted the finished product to look like.
Or what if you wanted to start a business? The banks would require a business plan first, right? They’d want to ensure that you’ve really thought it through carefully and you’ve got a good plan to enhance success.
Well, these same guidelines apply to exercise. You’ve got to have a plan for success. This is why the first few months of your Personal Training experience are so important. This is when most people drop out. So it’s my job to get you past this stage to the point where you’re experiencing great results – and that alone, will help to motivate you to keep going. But the problem is most people stop exercising before they even had the chance to see the changes to their body. I just won’t let that happen to you!

What happens before the first session?

You will complete a Health & Fitness Questionnaire. The information gathered in the questionnaire is critical to helping me as your Fitness Coach design the most individualized program for you. It takes into account your medical, injury and physical fitness history, your current lifestyle, your present level of fitness and type of activities, your nutritional habits and more.
I will be able to take this information along with your goals, interests and needs and create a custom-designed program that will make it easier for you to follow and achieve results. It will take you a bit of time to complete the questionnaire but I encourage you to be thorough in order to provide me with all the tools necessary to really help you achieve your goals safely, effectively and permanently. And that way time won’t be wasted during your first session trying to gather information and instead we can focus on the training program.

What happens in the first few sessions?

The first few sessions are the most important. This is when I help you lay a strong foundation that you can build upon.
  • You will determine how ready you are for the changes and whether you need to adjust your expectations dependent on your current lifestyle and other responsibilities.
  • You will develop goals that will get you emotionally excited so that you will stay committed despite other priorities that may surface.
  • You will establish a step by step plan to get you closer and closer to your goals.
  • You will walk away with a very clear picture of what success is going to look like and what you need to do to get there.
  • I will also perform a postural analysis. This is important because many people perform certain exercises that they should not be doing and are then compounding an existing imbalance and putting themselves at risk for a future injury. By completing this analysis, it allows me to teach you the exercises you should be doing and show you the ones you should be avoiding.
Generally, the first few sessions are not very active but don’t be discouraged – the killer workouts come later! I typically start off pretty easy and gradually pick up the pace once I understand your capabilities and limitations.
Each session and each workout will build upon this initial stage. However, you should still wear comfortable workout gear as you will be moving. Keep in mind if you are presently very fit and do not struggle with motivation, we will get to work right away!

What happens if I need to reschedule my session(s)?

No problem. Just be sure to call at least 24 hours before your scheduled session(s). This advanced warning is required so that your Personal Trainer can then book another client into your time slot.

What happens if I don’t give 24 hours notice?

Unfortunately, due to the high demand on time slots, if you do not provide 24 hours notice, you will still be charged for the session. I spend a lot of time preparing for my clients before the first session so in all fairness and respect to me, I require advanced notice in order to reschedule. Keep in mind though; this policy is helpful to you, too. Clients are less likely to miss their workouts and renege on their commitment to themselves if they know they still have to pay. This keeps you accountable to yourself and your goals. And consistency is what gets results!
If you have any questions regarding our Personal Training programs, please contact me!
I would like to offer you an initial Complimentary Private Training session to help you decide how we can work together to help you achieve your goals. It’s the best way to see first hand how much I will take care of you. Click on this box and fill out the Health & Fitness Questionnaire and we will be in touch to set up an appointment.

Private Training Sessions

Pre assessment test with post assessment tests every 2 months

50min x 12 = $570/month
50min x 12 = $690/month
Click the button below to complete a comprehensive fillable .pdf questionnaire to provide me with the information I need to design a personalized program that is a perfect fit for you. Please be as thorough as possible in all your answers. Complete and email it to me at at least 2 days prior to your first scheduled session.

About BeFit-In-N-Out


BeFit-In-N-Out embodies the drive to self improvement both mentally & physically. The energy you give out, is the energy you get back in return… Take care of yourself, from the inside out, and you are better able to take care of those you love. TRAIN MEAN, EAT LEAN AND GET ADJUSTED

-- T-RUTH... Be Told

Contact Us


Have questions related to fitness, health or nutrition? Are you ready to get started to build the best YOU possible? Not ready for the stage, but want to look like you could compete? Want to learn more about my training programs? I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    Phone:       480.788.4301
    Address:    The ChiroDōjō Family Wellness                           953 E Elliot Rd #102                           Tempe, AZ 85284