Why Squat?
The Squat is the best exercise for building overall strength.
Core Stability
Strong core muscles improve performance in a variety of sports. When you need to generate power, these muscles work as a unit to help you do it.
Switch up your cardio routines to keep them fresh and to improve your overall endurance and calorie burning.
Why Strength Training is Vital in the Golden Years!!! Maintains Independence: Building strength helps older adults perform daily activities with ease, like lifting groceries or getting up from a chair, reducing their reliance on others. Improves Balance and Reduces Risk of Falls: Stronger muscles and better balance lead to fewer falls, which can be a
Build your Own SMOOTHIE
‼️START WITH‼️ Liquid 1/2 – 1 cup per serving, depending on how thick you like it: Filtered water 100% juice (orange, pomegranate, pineapple, grape, apple cider) Kefir Almond milk Coconut water Coconut milk Cow or goat milk Green or ginger tea (brewed) Ice (use in addition to one of the other liquids) ‼️Protein POWER‼️ Grass-Fed
Muscle requires the right amount of nutrients to grow. That includes protein, carbs, and fat. If you don’t eat enough, your body can’t use calories for repair and growth. You can lift weights until you’re blue in the face, but without excess calories, resistance training won’t affect your muscle mass.
How Many Days a Week Should You Do Weight Training?
If you want to work out five days per week and are working on both strength and cardiovascular fitness, try three days of strength training, two days of cardio, and two days of active rest.
Do BCAA help you lose fat?
Branched Chain Amino Acids BCAAs products are effective supplements to take while on a fat loss program.
Benefits of Lower Body Exercises
Strong legs are important for daily activity. From walking and running to climbing stairs, leg exercises help strengthen your legs for daily life and all physical activity.
You Are What You Eat
– What you eat in private you wear in public – Lo que usted come en privado te pones en público

About BeFit-In-N-Out


BeFit-In-N-Out embodies the drive to self improvement both mentally & physically. The energy you give out, is the energy you get back in return… Take care of yourself, from the inside out, and you are better able to take care of those you love. TRAIN MEAN, EAT LEAN AND GET ADJUSTED

-- T-RUTH... Be Told

Contact Us


Have questions related to fitness, health or nutrition? Are you ready to get started to build the best YOU possible? Not ready for the stage, but want to look like you could compete? Want to learn more about my BeFit-In-N-Out.com training programs? I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    Phone:       480.788.4301
    Email:        Ruth@BeFit-In-N-Out.com
    Address:    The ChiroDōjō Family Wellness                           953 E Elliot Rd #102                           Tempe, AZ 85284