There are many ways we can work together to help you achieve your goals. Your options include Personal Training only, participating in our Group Training classes or a combination of both.
For example, some of our clients train privately with me two to four times per week for half hour or hour sessions. Some of my clients get started by having me design a program for them and then they follow that on their own and/or take classes and just see their me once every one to two months to monitor progress and make updates to their program.
Then there are some clients who do a combination of both – they might see me once per week to ensure a tough workout and to hold them accountable weekly and then the rest of the time they workout on their own.
So I will customize a plan to help you achieve results and will be based on your goals, interests, current fitness level, time and financial budget.



About BeFit-In-N-Out


BeFit-In-N-Out embodies the drive to self improvement both mentally & physically. The energy you give out, is the energy you get back in return… Take care of yourself, from the inside out, and you are better able to take care of those you love. TRAIN MEAN, EAT LEAN AND GET ADJUSTED

-- T-RUTH... Be Told

Contact Us


Have questions related to fitness, health or nutrition? Are you ready to get started to build the best YOU possible? Not ready for the stage, but want to look like you could compete? Want to learn more about my training programs? I'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    Phone:       480.788.4301
    Address:    The ChiroDōjō Family Wellness                           953 E Elliot Rd #102                           Tempe, AZ 85284